Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Importance Of World Geography - 994 Words

Madie Stark Mrs. Bezy World Geography Honors August 16, 2017 According to; geography is a science that deals with the description, distribution, and interaction of the diverse physical, biological, and cultural features of the earth’s surface. In other words, it is the physical features and characteristics of certain areas that make the area unique. Small towns, big cities, and everything in-between each has its own culture, location, and special touches that make the population apart of the area. Citizens dig their roots in their town and culture, geography is what raises us. People are apart of geography as much as geography is apart of people. Within the world of Geography location is extremely†¦show more content†¦Humans like to try different things, and they enjoy getting to know different types of individuals. In some ways, the multiple regions go along with certain places. Regions are a body of land that shares common characteristics. Regions can be defined in many ways. Some might define them by phys ical aspects, such as the climate or land forms. One can also define them with human characteristics, like the type of language or religion. Just like a place, some regions help attract more people. For example, there are many people who live in Florida or visit Florida because of the weather and beach. I personally like it here, in Jennings County, because we get to experience all the seasons. I also enjoy having lakes and hills. We are able to do many things, that not everyone can. Movement is what makes the world go around, literally. It is when an individual or thing travels to a different place. Without movement, our society would be even more diverse. It is good for individuals to communicate, and try new ways of living. If we did not have movement, everything would be very fixed. People would be very close-minded. Movement is a good thing. It helps reveal the different cultures and history. Nowadays, we can look almost anything up. It does not even compare to when you actuall y visit a historical or any place. Movement helps advance our world, and it helps us become closer with one another. Movement also helps us transportShow MoreRelatedThe Functions of Geography Throughout the Time Periods of History1325 Words   |  6 PagesGeography is the one discipline that throughout history has served many functions. Function like where to get resources, take a trip., find new places and function its served during different eras throughout history Furthermore three of geography most important function thought out history is the purposes it served during the eras of Roman, Greek, Chinese, Islamic and early modern Europe. 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