Friday, December 27, 2019

What Are the Various Subfields of Economics

At the most basic level, the field of economics is divided into microeconomics, or the study of individual markets, and macroeconomics, or the study of the economy as a whole.  At a more granular level, however, economics has many subfields, depending on how finely you wish to divide the science. A useful classification system is provided by The Journal of Economic Literature. Subsets of Economics Here are some of the subfields that the JEL identifies: Mathematical and Quantitative MethodsEconometricsGame Theory and Bargaining TheoryExperimental EconomicsMicroeconomicsMacroeconomics and Monetary EconomicsThe Business CycleMoney and Interest RatesInternational Economics and International TradeFinance and Financial EconomicsPublic Economics, Taxation, and Government SpendingHealth, Education, and WelfareLabor and Demographic EconomicsLaw and EconomicsIndustrial OrganizationBusiness Administration and Business Economics; Marketing; AccountingEconomic HistoryEconomic Development, Technological Change, and GrowthEconomic SystemsAgricultural and Natural Resource EconomicsUrban, Rural, and Regional Economics In addition, there are a number of fields within economics that didnt significantly exist when the JEL classification was developed, such as behavioral economics, organizational economics, market design, social choice theory, and a number of others.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Commentary on Capitalism in Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle

Upton Sinclair’s â€Å"The Jungle† is a gritty peer into the hopelessly empty heart of capitalism and the true dark nature of the consumer life style. The gruesome food facts and quality issues may have gotten most of the public’s attention but the stories heart is in the exposed untold truths about life in America and the plan evil nature of capitalism. Despite Mr. Sinclair’s efforts most of capitalisms short falls still exist and are more detrimental to the survival of the world and humane race then at any other time in its short blood thirsty history. Mr. Sinclair is clearly presenting the social issues he observed in the capitalist society of his time. The world was sold on an idea that if a man worked hard and long he could build a better life in the land opportunity. America was rumored to be a place with no barriers between a man and prosperity, no racial divides, a place where all men are equal and dreams can come true. The only problem was in order to dream one must be asleep to the reality of the waking world. This was the dream like state that Jurgis and his family where rudely awaken from as they learned the hard way what life in America was really like. In fact many of the issues faced by our antagonist were unavoidable. The lack of familiarity with the local laws and proceedings stem from their overall lack of education and the great American capitalist society loved to take advantage of this as evident in the spotty condition of the pagan family’s new

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Criminal Justice Childhood Poverty

Question: Discuss about the Criminal Justice for Childhood Poverty. Answer: Introduction: The present essay is attempting to delve deeply into the aspect of child poverty in Canada. Henceforth, the present paper will concentrate in recognizing the long lasting effects of poverty on a child and the possible measures that can be taken to combat such a social curse. However, prior to that the paper will investigate the reasons due to which instead of being a country having abundance of resources Canada have failed to address the issue of child poverty (Smith-Carrier Lawlor, 2016). The term child poverty refers to a situation where children fail to access the basic standards of living. According to UNICEF (United Nations Childrens Fund), children experiencing deprivation of basic resources in spiritual, emotional and material premises as well as being unable to enjoy basic rights to become equal members of the society (Beaujot et al., 2013). Henceforth the aim of the thesis paper is to assess and examine the extent to which Canada has been able to address the issue of child poverty. Canada is constantly lagging behind to put an end to a social cause like Childhood poverty. It is unfortunate to find out that Toronto is still remaining as the child poverty capital as near about 133,000 children are currently living below the poverty line. Specifically, Regent Park is the most neglected neighborhood of Canada that has more than 58.1% of the children belonging to extremely low-income family (Benbow et al., 2016). Besides Regent Park, the other two neighborhoods of Canada suffering with child poverty are Oakridge in the Scarborough territory and the East York. On the contrary, affluent neighborhoods such as Lawrence Park North and South and Leaside-Bennington have not more than 5% of the children who are belonging to comparatively low-income families (Martorano et al., 2014). However, as contradicted by Bradshaw and Main. (2016), childhood poverty rate is highest in the zone of Saskatchewan in the country as the statistical result of 2014 indicates that the child pov erty rate of Saskatchewan is more than 24.6%. Moreover, it has been known that over two out of three Canadian children in the particular territory of Saskatchewan are living below the poverty line (Brittain Blackstock, 2015). Nevertheless, according to UNICEFs Measuring child poverty report, it is shocking that most of the worlds richest and most affluent countries are living with child poverty such as United States, Canada, Southern and eastern European states (Currie, 2016). Therefore, it is understandable that the expectation from the richest countries for reducing the rate of child poverty is not being met. Specifically, it is to denote that the result is not expected for a nation like Canada as the existing policies for transfer and tax in Canada are relatively effective, which accompanies the countrys child poverty gap ranks 23rd among more than 35 nations with high industry growth (Herz, 2015). It is unfortunate to note that presently in Canada, immigrant, racialized and single-parent families along families having too many disable members are more likely to live in below the poverty line. Furthermore, in out-of-school programs for sports and arts, only half of the children belonging to families ha ving income less than $30,000 participate. However, it should be considered in favor of Canada, that the non-patrician campaign called Campaign 2000 with the network of almost 120 organizations is working hard to end the social curse of childhood poverty (Macdonald Wilson, 2013). After having a coherent understanding about the current state of childhood poverty in Canada, it is significant to identify the causes of this stubborn social issue in the country. It has been found out that in Canada, child poverty is highly related with the ignorance of the affluent society of the country (Macdonald Wilson, 2016). It is utterly shameful to denote that increasing rate of childhood poverty is provoked by the long running racism in the country. On the other hand, unaffordable price of the housing and food insecurity other two major causes behind the issue. More precisely, inadequate housing is a major constraint that largely hinders development as well as well-being of the children belonging to the low-income family. The failure to end childhood poverty is being continued as instead of promising to lift children from immense poverty, the House of Commons has not kept their promise (Martorano et al., 2014). Today, children belonging to marginalized families suffer wor st in terms of living below the poverty line. Most importantly, the country is still suffering with the issue of underpayment and zero benefit employment, which is making it hard to afford the housing charges. It is unfortunate that in a place like Ontario, more than 802% of the employees work on temporary bases, which signals that lack of job opportunities is also a prime cause of poverty that is affecting the child development (Macdonald Wilson, 2016). Nevertheless, it is significant to mention here that unaffordable price range of healthy food is affecting on the health of the children. However, in terms of long running effects of childhood poverty, it has been identified that children belonging to low-income families are lacking easy access for early learning and numerous extracurricular activities. The UN Human Rights council with the help of Universal Periodic Review procedure has even criticized Canada for not taking any action to prevent effects of poverty on the upbringing of the children. Here question may be escalated about the fact that whether the role of the band-aid solutions like food bank by the federal government of Canada has worked in favor or not (Macdonald Wilson, 2013). It is unfortunate to mention again that since 1980 when the food bank had been established to put an end to food insecurity, the initiative has shown very less progress (Weitzman Lee, 2016). Most importantly, in terms of consequence, child lab or, premature death and illiteracies are increasing the Canadian society. More than one third of the children belonging to marginalized and immigrant families along with living in poverty still lack the scopes for proper education, medical treatment on time and having nutritious foods (Brittain Blackstock, 2015). However, it is state in this context that, in terms of long-lasting effect of poverty on childhood, individual enduring poverty from childhood, individuals mostly grow chronic mental or physical problem. It has been measured that children living in poverty from nine to 17 have negative impact of poverty on their mental and physical health. More specifically, in terms of long-lasting effect, children become vulnerable towards conduct disorders, depression and behavior abnormality, which contribute long-lasting effects on the child (Bradshaw Main, 2016). A behavior patter4n called learned helplessness is common among the adults in Canada who has lived their lives in immense poverty. The particular phase is a demonic consequence of poverty, in which children feel that they do not possess any power or opportunity for controlling their situations (Smith-Carrier Lawlor, 2016). Most significantly, in terms of consequence of long-lasting poverty, children become more vulnerable to the crim inal approaches. It has been identified that more than 80% of the juvenile criminals belong to poverty stricken locality (Herz, 2015). In this respect, it is shocking to note down that due to long-lasting poverty children often start off with extremely high level of anti-social behavior. Children living in constant poverty with little access to healthy food, education and medical treatment tend to tell lies, break things, bully other and even inflict physical injury upon others (Simpson et al., 2014). On the other hand, long-lasting poverty harms the normal activity of brains of the children. More precisely, children belonging to the age group of 9-10 and living in poverty had impressive activity in the amygdale while they have less activity on the prefrontal context. Both of the parts of human brain are responsible for detecting any act of threat and managing stress (Currie, 2016). Therefore, it is easy to contemplate that children living in poverty suffers through the inability to regulate their emotions properly. Further in future, the grown up individual who has suffered childhood poverty could not supersede anx iety disorders, stress disorders of post-traumatic phase and tremendous aggression (Rothwell McEwen, 2015). Therefore, it should be contemplated here that if the nation will continue to show its lethargy in taking active actions against the social cause, then the rate of anti-social activities among the juveniles will grow in fast pace. More, elaborately, if the nation stays careless about the suffering conditions of the immigrant children and the children belonging to marginalized as well as low income families, the country have strong possibilities to increase the chances for being called a developed nation belonging to the first world (Orkin et al., 2016). Moreover, the will eventually decrease its literacy rank and may end up in having a disappointing rate of abnormality among children. The situation indicates that the nation needs immediate measures to combat with the issue, therefore in order to accomplish that the present Canadian government should consider revising the cost of housing in the first place (Rothwell McEwen, 2015). It means the country should lower the price of housing materials and should increase the number of housings available in very low cost to the immigrants and the marginalized family (Norris Pendakur, 2013). Most importantly, being a country with abundance of resources, Canada should bring the price range of healthy foods to an affordable range. On the other hand, the country should consider increasing the permanent job opportunities for which the country needs to increase the number of business sectors. It would help to change the situation, if the government would attempt to provide agricultural facilities to the immigrants as well as to the individuals coming from minor communities (Martorano et al., 2014). Nevertheless, it should be considered in this respect that the present government of Canada should think about reforming its existing tax policy as the rate of tax of federal corporate is reduced to a rate of 15% without any discernable effect on the crucial condition on employment (Rothwell McEwen, 2015). Most importantly, it is to conclude that the nation should use education to be a powerful enabler of diminishing poverty. Therefore, the government should immediately consider increasing the number of schools for aboriginals as well as for the immigrants. References Beaujot, R., Du, C. J., Ravanera, Z. (2013). Family policies in Quebec and the rest of Canada: Implications for fertility, child-care, womens paid work, and child development indicators.Canadian Public Policy,39(2), 221-240. Benbow, S., Gorlick, C., Forchuk, C., Ward-Griffin, C., Berman, H. (2016). Ontarios Poverty Reduction Strategy: A Critical Discourse Analysis.Canadian Journal of Nursing Research,48(3-4), 100-109. Bradshaw, J., Main, G. (2016). Child poverty and deprivation.The Wellbeing of Children in the UK, 31. Brittain, M., Blackstock, C. (2015).First Nations Child Poverty. First Nations Child and Family Caring Society of Canada. Currie, J. (2016). How Can We Reduce Child Poverty and Support Parental Employment?. Herz, L. (2015). Growing into poverty? Social Mobility and Child Poverty in Welfare States. Macdonald, D., Wilson, D. (2013).Poverty or prosperity: Indigenous children in Canada. Martorano, B., Natali, L., de Neubourg, C., Bradshaw, J. (2014). Child well-being in advanced economies in the late 2000s.Social indicators research,118(1), 247-283. Norris, S., Pendakur, K. (2013). Imputing rent in consumption measures, with an application to consumption poverty in Canada, 19972009.Canadian Journal of Economics/Revue canadienne d'conomique,46(4), 1537-1570. Orkin, J., O'Campo, P., Shankardass, K., Dodds, L., Joseph, K. S., Allen, V. (2016). GENERALIZED HEALTH IMPACT OF SOCIAL AND MATERIAL DEPRIVATION ON PERINATAL OUTCOMES IN NOVA SCOTIA, CANADA.Paediatrics Child Health,21(5), E91. Rothwell, D. W., McEwen, A. (2015). Protecting kids: Family policy and child poverty through the Great Recession in liberal welfare states. Simpson, J., Reddington, A., Wicken, A., Duncanson, M., Adams, J., Oben, G. (2014). Child Poverty Monitor 2014. Smith-Carrier, T., Lawlor, A. (2016). Realising our (neoliberal) potential? A critical discourse analysis of the Poverty Reduction Strategy in Ontario, Canada.Critical Social Policy, 0261018316666251. Weitzman, M., Lee, L. (2016). Low income and its impact on psychosocial child development.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Research Proposal on Feminism Essay Example

Research Proposal on Feminism Essay Feminism is the social and political movement and ideology, which is aimed at the support of all the women’s rights in the world and protect them from the racial, ethnical, gender, sexual, age, social status discrimination. In the narrower and more known meaning feminism is the female movement which strives to defeat the female discrimination and make their rights equal with the male gender. Feminists focus their attention on the issues related with the discrimination of the female gender, though they also support the men who suffer from sexism. On the basis of these facts one can guess that feminism is the movement against gender discrimination in the whole. Feminism appeared in the 18th century due to the Westerns liberal philosophy and intellectual development of the society. The Western philosophers started speaking about the equality of people, human rights, democratic society and observation of the sexual behavior in the social and political context. Naturally, the women of that time supported this idea and started to develop their own movement which would defeat the female discrimination at last. Feminist movement had its birth in the US and then in Great Britain and France. At first this topic was analyzed from the political point of view but later female issues have become the subject of the academic research in the fields of sociology, psychology, economics, anthropology, ethnology, etc. The absolute majority of the feminists support the idea of the equality of both genders, in fact there are several branches of feminism the members of which are quite radical and focus on the priority of the female gender in the human society with the intention to oppress the male gender as revenge. We will write a custom essay sample on Research Proposal on Feminism specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Research Proposal on Feminism specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Research Proposal on Feminism specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Feminism is the interesting and powerful movement which is supposed to solve the problem inequality of the human genders. The student can find much information about this topic and prepare a research paper on it, bit first of all he is expected to write an effective feminism research proposal which would explain the problem in detail and inform about the purpose of writing, the major issues which require investigation and the expected results of the research which are evaluated objectively. The student should conclude the proposal professionally and define the relevance of feminism and demonstrate its strong and weak sides. A research proposal is a chance to persuade the professor to let you write a research paper about the chosen topic, so only an efficient free example research proposal on feminism can show students how to prepare the paper correctly. Paying attention to the experience and knowledge of the writer who has completed a free sample research proposal on feminism, one can learn about the process of writing a lot. At writing service you can order a custom research proposal on Feminism topics. Your research paper proposal will be written from scratch. We hire top-rated PhD and Master’s writers only to provide students with professional research proposal help at affordable rates. Each customer will get a non-plagiarized paper with timely delivery. Just visit our website and fill in the order form with all proposal details: